The "Minimoa Syndicate Hilversum" owns this Minimoa and consists of a group of enthousiasts glider pilots mainly members of the Gooise Zweefvlieg Club at Hilversum in The Netherlands.
This group has twenty five years been active to support and built this unique glider. After all these years of construction the Minimoa is finally completed and ready to fly.
from left to right:
Harry Wellens jr, Ivo Rheyneck-leysius, Rimmer Wouda, Bob Persijn, Jos Smit, Albert Kamphuis, Martin Padding, Wilt Kraai, Sjoerd Talsma, Dick Winder, Wil Kemna, Willem Janssen Groesbeek, Han van Hasseld, Herman Elzinga, Bert Kuijper, Henk Deege, Paul Huhne
Sponsors en deelnemers aan het Minimoa project
Willem Jan | v Altena |
Henk | Deege |
Peter | Deege |
Hans | Disma |
Gert | v Eck |
Herman | Elzinga |
Hans | Flantua |
Lilianne | Geene |
Hans | v d Graft |
Jan | Gründemann |
Mattijs | Hoogenbosch |
Paul | Huhne |
Albert | Kamphuis |
Wil | Kemna |
Lex | Klein |
Otto | Koch |
Wilt | Kraai |
Bert | Kuijper |
Leo | v Lamsweerde |
Piet | de Liefde |
Astrid | v Lieshout |
Jan | v Os |
Martin | Padding |
Bob | Persijn |
Peter | v d Poel |
Ad | Pothoven |
Jan | Raspe |
William | v Reijn |
Ivo | Rheyneck- leysius |
Gerard | Rijerse |
Sjoerd | Seckel |
Henk | Sikking |
Jos | Smit |
Sjoerd | Talsma |
Harry | Wellens |
Harry | Wellens, jr |
Tom | Wilschut |
Dick | Winder |
Rimmer | Wouda |
Bert | Zabel |